This website and its affiliated micro-sites are owned and published by LabX.
To ensure that you get the most from our website, we are committed to optimizing the site to match your needs, so it is easier for you to find the products and services most relevant to your work and helping you find the information and equipment you need in the most efficient manner possible. As a resource which, at its core requires the exchange of information, LabX believes it is necessary for you to understand which information is kept private and which information is shared with other users of the LabX system. We realize that our greatest asset is the trust we've gained by our loyal customers, both buyers and sellers. We endeavour to exceed the strict privacy practices required by the United States CAN-SPAM Act, Canada’s CASL regulations, the United Kingdom Data Protection Act, and the EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and e-Privacy Regulation and applicable laws. If, however, you would like to make a query regarding our privacy policy, please contact us.
We collect information you provide to us through our websites and to affiliated micro-sites that are owned and operated by LabX. We collect your information when you register for an account, purchase a product, submit and inquiry, subscribe to a newsletter or email, download digital materials (e.g. infographics, ebooks, white papers etc.), sign-up for a webinar or otherwise communicate with us through our websites.
The data we collect from you can include personal information. Personal information is data that can be used to identify an individual (such as first and last name, e-mail address, address, telephone number etc.). Furthermore, to ensure that you have a genuine interest in our content, products and services, we may also ask for work-related information such as your job title, your company name, technologies you use, your area of work or industry, the type of business you work for or own, and your scientific interests. We do this to ensure that we are providing you with information that is relevant to you and your field of study or work. At no point will we ask for any “sensitive” information such as religious beliefs, political affiliation, racial or ethnic origin or any other information that does not pertain to your activity or interest in the sciences.
LabX may also collect the following information from you based on your interaction with our website:
Registration: When you registered at LabX, we required that you provide us with certain information in exchange for the services that we provide to you. The information requested was necessary in order to protect the integrity of the LabX system, to identify who uses our system, to provide you with a customized experience, and to reduce any instances of fraudulent activity.
Ad Submission: When you submit a classified advertisement or an auction ad to the LabX system, we identify the ad as yours and record the information and images you submit with the advertisement. We record any changes you make to the ad and keep all changes on file. We also record the statistics associated with the advertisement such as (but not limited to) hits, views, inquiries, bidders, bids, and fees.
Service / Parts Mail Server: If you have chosen to subscribe to the Service / Parts Mail Server, you will receive occasional messages from other users wishing to communicate their immediate need for parts and service for specific items. Any requests you submit via the Service / Parts Mail Server will be recorded.
LabX X-Mail System or our “Request Information or Quote”: If you wish to contact dealers, manufacturers, distributors, laboratories, or other companies via our LabX X-Mail system or our “Request Information or Quote” to obtain service, or purchase laboratory equipment or supplies, your message submitted via the LabX X-Mail system will be recorded and any details you provide will be sent to applicable third parties.
LabX User-To-Advertiser Inquiry: If you submit an inquiry via the Contact The Advertiser text box, your inquiry will be recorded with the advertisement. Both you and the advertiser will receive a copy of the inquiry. In addition, your inquiry will be gathered with the advertisement and may be accessed by the advertiser from the ad within the LabX system.
LabX User-To-User Note: If you submit a message via the "E-mail a Colleague" feature, your submission will be recorded.
LabX Rating System: If you submit feedback on a transaction you've completed in the LabX auction forum, your comments will be recorded. In addition, if someone has submitted feedback on a transaction they've completed with you in the LabX auction forum, their comments will be recorded as well. All comments submitted and gathered are public and will be displayed on the LabX site.
Payment System: If you provide payment to LabX for LabX services, LabX will record specific information to help validate the payment request. If you pay by credit card, we will not record the credit card number you use. We will record the addressing information on the credit card as well as the approval or non-approval codes sent back from our credit card processor. If you pay by bank check or money order, we will retain a copy of your payment instrument for our records for a period of up to three years.
Other Correspondence: If you send personal correspondence, such as e-mail, letters, documents, or if third parties send us correspondence about your activities which pertain to the LabX website, we may collect this information in your LabX file.
To optimize our website, match content to your needs and deliver a more personalized user experience, LabX also automatically collects information regarding your use of our websites. When visiting our brands online, we log information about your visit and also use tracking mechanisms such as cookies, pixels and scripts to collect information about your interaction with our websites or emails. These can be used to provide you with additional information that is relevant to your work or scientific areas of interest.
Cookies are digital text files placed on your computer. Using cookies is a common practice. We may place cookies on your computer to allow us to recognize you on our websites when you visit us, to measure online traffic, to present you with relevant products or services, or to customize your experience. We use session cookies to make navigating our website easier, and they expire when you close your browser. Additionally, tracking cookies are used to help us understand how you use our websites, they enhance your user experience, and they remain on your computer or device for an extended period of time. For more details, please see our cookie policy. Your browser may include settings that allow you to block cookies or be notified when cookies are being used. Please be aware that if you block or remove cookies, certain features and functions of our websites may be unavailable or may not operate optimally. Pixels are small graphic images placed in web pages and e-mail messages. They may be used to count the number of visitors to our websites, to monitor how users navigate our websites, or to verify how many articles or links were viewed. Scripts are used to collect information about your interactions with our websites. They are temporarily downloaded on your computer from our server, or the server of a third-party we work with. They are active while you are connected to our websites, and are deleted or deactivated thereafter. We do not install or download any software to your computer as part of your user experience.
We may also collect or purchase information from other scientific industry sources, such as scientific organizations, research conferences, academic institutions, scientific directories, etc. Your personal information is only collected and stored in our databases if it is publicly available and there is a clear link between your area of work and the content, products, and services we offer.We may also combine this information with information we have already collected about you in order to understand your needs better and provide you with a better user experience.
If you are a resident of the European Union or the United States and all the information we have collected about you is from third-party scientific sources, we will only communicate with you on a trial basis with a limited number of attempts before we remove your information from our database. We will also only contact you about scientific content and topics that you have shown interest in or about scientific products you have purchased in the past that have been deemed relevant to you and your industry, job, scientific interests or area of work. If we see that you have not engaged with our communications or digital content, we will remove your personal information from our database. If you do engage with our communications and digital content before the end of our trial period, we will consider you an active contact for as long as you continue to engage with our content and our websites in the future, or until you choose to unsubscribe from future communications. We offer a means of unsubscribing on every communication that we send to you and through our privacy policy. If you would like to know more about how we engage with you, please contact us.
Known Canadian residents may be contacted if they have provided their personal information through our websites, affiliated micro-sites, over the phone or at an event or conference where they have expressed consent to be contacted by LabX and its affiliated brands.
Canadian residents may be contacted, as allowed by law, if they have met one or more of the following conditions of implied consent: having an existing business relationship (EBR) based on a previous commercial transaction with the recipient; or having an existing non-business relationship based on, for example, membership in your club, or if the recipient participated as a volunteer for your charitable organization; persons who make their email address publicly available by publishing it on a website may be contacted if it is not accompanied by a statement indicating they do not want to receive commercial electronic messages at that address. If the statement is not present, the message must relate to the recipient's business role, functions or duties in an official or business capacity. For more information about Canada’s Anti-Spam Legislation, please click here.
The personal information gathered about you is used for a variety of purposes. The first is to build up a demographic profile of our subscribers, allowing us to better match our content and services to your interests. Obviously, the more accurate the information you provide, the better we can do this. For this reason, we encourage you to regularly update your profile to provide us with the most accurate information possible.
In addition, we may use your personal information for other purposes that include:
Facilitating, managing, personalizing and improving your online experience;
Aggregating and providing summarized data concerning your bidding activities, purchases, requests, and classified ad submissions for your use;
Providing you with a summary of the LabX site activity (if you have so requested)
Responding to your comments, questions and requests, providing customer service, sending you informational notices, and contacting you if we need to obtain or provide additional information;
Managing your online account(s), including purchases, orders, payments, returns, and exchanges;
Sending you technical notices, updates, security alerts, support and administrative messages;
Communicating with you about products, services, offers, promotions, coupons, newsletters, events and providing information we think will be of interest to you;
Conducting research and analysis, including focus groups and surveys about current services or of potential new products and services;
Preventing and addressing fraud, breach of policies or terms, and threats or harm; and
Sending you advertisements and communicating with you regarding services, products, and events we think may interest you
We may disclose your information to other companies to ensure the smooth provision of products and services that you have purchased or requested from us. If you have made a purchase or request with us your data will be principally used to provide you with your purchase or request as well as your registration or other services and facilities. This includes third-party service providers that assist us with processing credit card payments, webinar platforms that host our online events or customer relationship management applications where we house your information. These service providers are prohibited from using your personal information for any other purpose(s) than to provide the services we have contracted them to perform.
Your details may also be shared within the LabX group and the brands in our parent company, LabX Media Group. Please click here for a list of LabX websites, or click here for a list of LabX Media Group websites. These companies may use your details to send you information about products, promotions and special offers that we think may interest you, and also to complete your personal profile across each of our brands.
Your personal information is also used in our dealings with the third-parties with whom we work. The co-operation of the companies that supply us with content and services and the revenue derived from advertising and sponsorship allow us to keep access to our sites free of charge. To provide incentives for these third-parties to continue working with us, LabX does share some information about our visitors, as detailed below.
We may monitor the activity of visitors accessing the site and share data about this activity with publishers and advertisers. If your company, job title, areas of work, technologies used, type of business or scientific areas of interest are a match for the types of products or services offered by a third-party company, your personal data can be used to share product, service & event offers from a third-party company. If you participate or engage with an offer through our websites or emails, we may share your personal information with the associated third-party. Our aim is to provide you with information on the latest tools and technology that are relevant to your scientific field of study and to provide you with information on the latest innovations in scientific research and manufacturing. If you show interest in particular web pages or materials on our website, we may communicate with you about sponsored content related to your visits to help promote scientific products and services on behalf of our third-party suppliers and vendors. Finally, we may provide your information to our third-party advertisers and sponsors for them to contact you directly when you have clearly engaged with content related to their products or promotions. This information is only provided to them when we have determined that you have shown a legitimate interest in their products or services by engaging with their content on our website or emails.
You can opt-out of receiving communications from our third-party advertisers and sponsors by going to our unsubscribe page and unchecking the box for third-party sponsors and advertisers. We also attempt to contact our subscribers on a regular basis via email to give them the opportunity to opt-out of third-party communications to ensure they are given the choice to review their subscription preferences.
Your personal data is never shared with a third-party we do not consider to be reputable and is only made available to companies who are actively supporting free access to the content and services provided by our sites. For a list of these third-party companies, please click here. You should note that, if they enter an external site from a link within a LabX site, they are no longer covered by this privacy policy.
Other times we may disclose your Personally Identifiable Information collected on this Site are as follows:
In the event of an asset sale, merger, consolidation, restructuring, reorganization, liquidation or other similar transaction involving LabX or this Site, we may transfer some or all User information, including Personally Identifiable Information, to the successor company.
We will disclose your Personally Identifiable Information when we believe such disclosure is required by law or for the protection of persons or property.
We may disclose your Personally Identifiable Information with your consent, as well as when disclosure is necessary to accomplish the purpose for which you provide it. For example, when you request information from advertisers in the ‘XMail’ or ‘Request Information' section of our website, we will disclose your Personally Identifiable Information to the advertisers you specify or ones best suited to your request.
The information that you provide to us in addition to the information that we gather about your activities on our site may also be disclosed as follows:
LabX Auction Ads. The name and the phone number of the advertiser will be displayed with all auction ads. We recommend that you do not include your e-mail address in the body of your ad as this encourages unsolicited "spam" messages.
Other LabX Classified Ads. The advertiser has the option whether or not he wishes to include his name and/or phone number. We recommend that you do not include your e-mail address in the body of your ad as this encourages unsolicited "spam" messages.
Service / Parts Mail Server. If you submit an message via the Service / Parts Mail Server, your e-mail address and your message will be transmitted to the other Service / Parts Mail Server subscribers.
LabX X-Mail System. If you submit a message via the LabX X-Mail system, any information you provide in the template will be sent to the recipients you've designated including your email address.
LabX User-To-Advertiser Inquiry. If you submit a message via the "Contact the Advertiser" text box in any LabX classified or auction advertisement, your e-mail address, and if you so fill out, your name and phone number, and message will be sent to the advertiser.
LabX User-To-User Note. If you submit a message via the "E-mail a Colleague" feature, your e-mail address, name, phone number, and message will be transmitted to the e-mail address you designate in the template.
LabX Rating System. If you submit feedback for any user on the LabX Rating System, your comments, "handle", and ad number will recorded with your rating. If feedback is submitted about you on the LabX Rating System, those comments will also be kept in a rating file which is viewable by other LabX users.
Bidders in the LabX Auction. When you submit a bid in the LabX auction system, the seller of the item will have access to your name, phone number, e-mail address, amount bid, and the time you submitted your bid. If you are declared the winner of any auction, the seller will be provided with the address you listed in your registration form.
LabX "Handle" or "User ID". When you registered at LabX you were asked to choose a "Handle". Your LabX "Handle" is your identity on LabX. If you chose to use your e-mail address or other similar personally identifiable handle, this information will be easily accessible by other users on the site. Please choose your handle carefully if you do not wish to reveal your identity to the entire LabX community. Using a handle on LabX in no way guarantees your anonymity on the site.
Our websites may include features, such as message boards or comment sections, that allow you to freely submit your personal information that can be viewed by others. We and others can store, display, reproduce, publish, distribute, or otherwise use such information in any format, and there is no guarantee that we will attribute the content to you. Keep in mind that if you post information on our websites, others can access and share that information with third-parties as well.
We have designed our websites so that it is easy for you to access and update the personal information that you shared with us. You can access your subscriptions by clicking this link and entering your email address in the field provided. After submitting your email address, we will send a message to your inbox to confirm it is you and for you to access your subscription preferences directly. Individual eNewsletters, email communications and third-party communications can be immediately unsubscribed from by clicking an unsubscribe link within them. Please note that your opt-out will not affect subsequent subscriptions or non-promotional communications from us, such as administrative and service announcements. If you require further assistance updating your details please contact us.
You are also entitled to be informed about all the information LabX collects about you. You are entitled to receive and review the information. You may also request to have LabX change information about you that is held by us and that is incorrect.
Cookies can be disabled or removed using tools available as part of most commercial browsers. In some instances, a browser may include settings that allow you to block cookies from being placed on your hard drive. Be aware that if you disable or remove cookies and similar technologies, some parts of our websites may not work properly. Also, if you revisit our websites from a different computer or browser, you may not be able to limit browser-based tracking technologies in the same way.
Our websites use third-party web analytics services, such as Google Analytics, to help us analyze how visitors use our websites. To learn more about opting out of being tracked by Google Analytics, click here.
While using the LabX system, you agree to respect the personal information which is provided to you by the LabX system. It is a violation of this policy to use any information gained by the use of the LabX system against the interests of LabX. In addition, it is against this policy for a user to sell or otherwise profit from third-party use of personal information obtained through the normal course of business while using the LabX system.
You may not use any LabX communication tool to send spam, harassing messages, or any other content which would violate this policy or the LabX User Agreement. The LabX Communication tools have been created to help facilitate the exchange of used and surplus scientific equipment on the LabX system. Any use contrary to this end is prohibited by LabX and will result in the suspension of these LabX privileges.
If at any point we decide to use your personally identifiable information in any way other than described in this privacy policy we will notify you by way of email or by providing 30 days notice on the website. Please note that we retain the right to change this policy at any time. LabX continues to invest in the best quality security available and we do our utmost to protect visitor privacy. If you have any queries regarding this privacy policy or the way we collect and gather information about our members, please contact us.
If you have any requests regarding your personal information, or if you have questions about this privacy policy, please submit your questions via email to privacy@labxmediagroup.com, send a letter to the Chief Privacy Officer at LabX, LabX, 334 King Street, Midland, ON, Canada, L4R 3M8, or if you prefer to speak to us you can reach us at705-528-6888.
Representative for data subjects in the EU and UK We value your privacy and your rights as a data subject and have therefore appointed Prighter Group with its local partners as our privacy representative and your point of contact.
Prighter gives you an easy way to exercise your privacy-related rights (e.g. requests to access or erase personal data). If you want to contact us via our representative, Prighter or make use of your data subject rights, please visit the following website:
For our GDPR article 27 representative within the EU please contact:
Maetzler Rechtsanwalts GmbH & Co KG
Schellinggasse 3/10, 1010 Vienna
Updated June 13th, 2023
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