Animal care equipment is essential for ensuring the health and well-being of laboratory animals. This category includes a wide range of products such as cages, bedding, feeding systems, and environmental control systems that are crucial for maintaining proper living conditions in research settings. These tools are widely used in pharmaceutical, biomedical, and veterinary research to provide a controlled and humane environment for animals. LabX.com is the premier marketplace for buying and selling new, used, and refurbished animal care equipment. Find animal care products available for purchase online or send a quote request directly to one of our many reputable vendors. You can find a wide variety of new and used animal care equipment from top manufacturers such as Allentown, Tecniplast, and Edstrom.
Prices for new animal care equipment generally range from $1,000 to $50,000, depending on the type of equipment, size, and specific features. High-end models with advanced environmental controls and larger capacities are at the higher end of the price spectrum. Used equipment offers a more budget-friendly option, with prices typically ranging from $500 to $25,000, depending on the condition, brand, and specific capabilities of the unit.
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